Rest and Peace
You might have wondering for this weird Title but believe me the subject is very interesting. I always practise “rest and peace” before starting my day. So 8 hr of sleep and 2 hr of silence in a day required to be healthy life as per science. So do you believe rest means “sleeping”, I think the answer is No because when you complete this article you will know the meaning of “Rest”.
Word like Equanimous and consciousness is very common in mountain climbers list. When you are climbing a giant mountain you must have conscious and equanimous else chances of failure are high.
Because one single wrong step will leads you to the bottom of the mountain. If you ever attempted to climb a mountain you must have witnessed the silence at mountain. The sound of the air is so clear that you think to be lucky at their. You might have thought why I am not experiencing this silence at my apartment which is middle of the street. Why the streets are so busy, why the neighbours children’s are shouting throughout the day. Because these things are common and it will never stops. You are experiencing peace and calmness at mountains because mountains are silent and you just experiencing that. So you have to understand the rule of the nature. “Peace lies inside your body”. If you are in, middle of a crowded place and still experiencing peace that is real peace. That’s why I always say human beings are God’s best creatures. They can experience what others creatures can’t.
So Meaning of peace is understood and now we should move towards Rest. If in these 8hr of sleeping and 2 hr of silence you couldn’t have reacted a single time to the thought arises in your mind then you are perfect else you should learn the techniques of sleeping. Our brain produces countless numbers of thought per second and we reacted to too many of it. So how to be conscious and equanimous while sleeping. Because you don’t know what happens to you while you sleep but you experience several dreams during your sleeping. This is what I am trying to explain. How to give rest to your brain during this 8 hrs of sleeping And 2 hrs of silence (You may say this as Meditation). So that no dreams and no thought can disturb your brain. If you really want to know the technique then please visit this link-
and follow the instruction.
Initially you will not notice changes but when you practise this then you will notice significant changes in your day to day life. Word like PEACE and REST and EQUANIMOUS will not distract you. I hope you enjoyed this article. Please comment and share.
“Be happy”