Literally joy of living,this phrase describers an immense delight in being alive,an effervescent keenness for all the daily activities that human being can indulge in.People who possess joie de vivre are never moody,depressed ,bored,or apathetic - on the contrary,they are full of sparkle,eager to engage in all group activities,and,most important,always seems to be having a good time ,no matter what they are doing.If we always showcase our benigness to all then think how would we fill. I always try to think why should i scold him,why should I alter with him. Because this moment is going to change. We have to love what we are doing to get the most benefit out of it. Suppose you have dream of something but for the shake you are doing something else: then also you have to love what you are doing. No body knows what the future is so why we live in misery by craving future. Frozen-a movie which show case what true love is,in this the message is if you always show case good attitude to all that to for all cases: Then for you this life is enjoyable . you have to live in present to enjoy your life .when we stop comparing with other and live like what we can best manage then everything seems so perfect,There is no worry of losing any thing nor for gaining any thing.A vivasious personality will never creates any problem in your have to convivial to fill the joy of living. so try not to hurt others and always believe that this moment is also change so never react to the problem. And most importantly never use IF where you have to do something necessary. BE happy and calm .
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Arnold Bennett once pointed that we all have the same amount of time-twenty four hours day.Strickly speaking that's an important obsevation which Bennet ever made.
It's not time that counts but energy-and of that wonderful quality we all have very different amount,from the people who wake up tired,no matter how much sleep theyh've had ,to lucky,well adjusted mortals who hardly ever need to sleep.
Energy comes from a healthy body of-course;it also comes from a psychological balance,a lack of conflicts and insecurities.
Some people apparently have boundless ,illimitable energy-they're on the go from morning to neight,and often far into the neight,working hard,playing hard,never tiring ,never worn out or exhausted-and getting twice as much as any three other human beings.
It's not time that counts but energy-and of that wonderful quality we all have very different amount,from the people who wake up tired,no matter how much sleep theyh've had ,to lucky,well adjusted mortals who hardly ever need to sleep.
Energy comes from a healthy body of-course;it also comes from a psychological balance,a lack of conflicts and insecurities.
Some people apparently have boundless ,illimitable energy-they're on the go from morning to neight,and often far into the neight,working hard,playing hard,never tiring ,never worn out or exhausted-and getting twice as much as any three other human beings.
I believe we never waste our time in fact no body wants to-but some time we utilize the time where we don't want to,apparently that cost us a lot. If Hitler uses the energy fro the Development of Germany what he get from the initial 2 yr of war.Then i think Germany would have the most finest Economy of World this time.Look even a tine country like Germany which is not even the size of ODISHA can concur the entire world so it is his energy which directs him to this way.
Giving 100% energy to what we want to do is a wiser choice than giving fraction of it to the back up which 90% people carries with them.People often says time is valuable but I think Energy is more valuable than Time.IF we wake up by thinking Today is the last day for me to live in this world and -I am going to put all my energy to what ever I wanted to do then ; I think no body can stop us from achieving our highest and grandest goal of our lief. "Be happy always to get to know your 100% Energy"
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Beautiful Mind
We all knows "We can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them",This Blog is based on this simple quotes by Einstein. We all knows that our brain divided to two part,one is left and other is right. If you are thinking now a brain like structure than that is coming from your right side and if you are thinking some sentence about brain then that is coming from your left side . Images are stored at right side and all emotion ,word etc stored in left side. People says practice makes man perfect but is there any certain procedure for practice. It varies from person to person. if you work on your fear than that is one type of practice which I follow. I always tries to read from my left brain and concentrate too from that . It helps me to remember thing for a very long time.I am not a brain scientist or psychiatrist ,whatever you are going to read is from my experience.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Mother is the Ultimate Ocean
R u there .she shout like I am a kid. In-fact for mother how old you are "you are kid forever". when ever you phone her irrespective of your success or failure she will ask one single question for sure "had you had your dinner son". if you say yes then the next will be "what you had".If your answer is positive for both the case she will feel relive if negative her heart bit starts escalating. She always care you like she did when you are as little as one year old. I remember i had a lot of altercation with my mother for very small stuff , but you know "Mother is a ocean of love" she never reacted seriously all that she says "OK",this altercation are like ephemeral to her. she never remember this. But if the same thing will happens with other person,then you know "how hard it is to negotiate". "Respect mother" ,keep in touch with your mother every day that will keep your brain active.
Friday, 5 December 2014
He said you are dangerous ,you are devil.By giving a constipation smile he looked towards his owner "thinking nothing in his mind". the owner defended himself ..ya he will not harm you are free to go anywhere but after he finished scanning you. Rottweiler "worlds most dangerous DOg" when smile on you that means you are not a terrorist for now.if you have never seen a LION alive you can give a visit to it. its look like innocent but when it sense anything fizzy it attack instantly. The point is you can train an Animal but can you train us(human being). The fact is Animals are innocent and they always lives in present .But we always thinks what will happen if i do this ,if i don't .even if we have enough money with us some people can't satisfy their urge,they keep on craving and want more and more.if you ask an animal what you want it will says not only food but also love,which we also want. shall we only want Love or happiness too?Our ultimate goal is happiness but some people sense it late .we often start quarreling for very small thing and ended our friendship for that silly thing.But what may happens DOG never break the trust .When we start reacting to small thing our brain start its ready queue and allocate all its resources towards it.When we switch to this phase then you know what are the outcomes.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
R you reacting to unessential thing?
I was in metro reading news paper "an article regarding MODINOMICS" . my brother was whatshaping me that time about my location, I was enjoying the article and whatshaping. I heard an announcement "The next station is RAJIV chock" . I was about to finish that article so
I thought to continue despite the announcement that the betel field is just 2 min away(just joking) .Aprox 15 people tries to enter to my compartment despite the compartment is full.people start shouting what areyou trying to do,why are you not moving,thoda aur jaona..bla bla. one lady with her overwhelm weight start staring at me "thinking about to seat in my seat". I noticed that and offer her my seat when see was just one step closer than me see mistakenly hit my hand and for a moment I thought I have lost my 1000cr properties . see say sorry for that and pick my HTC phone.
Imagine if at that time I have scolded her or showed my attitude then what had happened.I just started to sense my breathing and say its ok.
What we Really Want.
while playing that shot Phillip-Hughes didn't predict about the outcome,he played that shot as a regular shot but he ended his live for that single shot. some player like clerk really felt it hard and his condition at the funeral said it all. we all know nothing is permanent in this world but we felt it when we lost something which we like most. for this incident i felt it like a general human bening died but they felt it hard. why this happens it happens because they react to it and obviously they have stored something regarding him in their brain and our brain never delete any thing from its hard disk or even from recycle bin it is impossible to delete anything. if we have any unnecessary data in our computer and did't notice it then that data is not going to create a problem but chances of virus infection is more if we didn't notice it, like way our brain too store data and we need to decide which data we want to run. if anything secondary is running but we want to run primary then that time we have to tell our brain run the primary not the secondary. how we tell what to run to our brain? our brain can run 60000 process a day "it has scientifically proved. " all of us knows what we really want.e.g- A student want to crack the exam to get a job.let say he has 3month of time for his exam. so what normal student does is they think more about the day then the exam itself,eventually they ended with low score in exam because they say to their brain to run the secondary process and halt the primary one now, and start it before 5 day of exam. Our brain is capable of cognitive learning means the way you behave ,'it starts judging it and try to store the incident as well as the way you executed that incident. suppose you are trying to cook a delicious dis but ended with something bizarre and you reacted badly to it ,so brain store the process which is "React badly when
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
You might be thinking I will make some delicious tips which helps you to live a healthy life.
I agree food is the backbone of our health,but don't you think in this materialistic world we are missing something which is absolutely free.when we see anything as free, we usually pause a second to think about its prOs and cons.Then we say sometimes lets try it,if we are fortunate enough then we can achieve something which we have never expected. That's why if anything unexpected happens we never able to react instantly .
Every human being want to live happy , in fact he tried a lot to be happy like by clicking a virtual smile photo and then make a actual smile when some one commented positively. he/she never understand "yebbhibadlega" the thing which we are watching' like light' its a continuous flow of energy which changes frequently .we know we never be young forever but still we are craving for our beauty. if some one has commented positively then we think about it repentantly and instantly planning to upload another one with more attractive way.