Saturday, 27 December 2014

joie de vivre

Literally joy of living,this phrase describers an immense delight in being alive,an effervescent keenness for all the daily activities that human being can indulge in.People who possess joie de vivre are never moody,depressed ,bored,or apathetic - on the contrary,they are full of sparkle,eager to engage in all group activities,and,most important,always seems to be having a good time ,no matter what they are doing.If we always showcase our benigness to all then think how would we fill. I always try to think why should i scold him,why should I alter with him. Because this moment is going to change. We have to love what we are doing to get the most benefit out of it. Suppose you have dream of something but for the shake you are doing something else: then also you have to love what you are doing. No body knows what the future is so why we live in misery by craving future. Frozen-a movie which show case what true love is,in this the message is if you always show case good attitude to all that to for all cases: Then for you this life is enjoyable . you have to live in present to enjoy your life .when we stop comparing with other and live like what we can best manage then everything seems so perfect,There is no worry of losing any thing nor for gaining any thing.A vivasious personality will never creates any problem in your have to convivial to fill the joy of living. so try not to hurt others and always believe that this moment is also change so never react to the problem. And most importantly never use IF where you have to do something necessary. BE happy and calm .
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